This picture is showing the spot lights that were put at Ground Zero to mark the positions where the Twin Towers once stood. This “Tribute of Lights” shines amidst the New York Skyline and reminds Americans of the tragic event. These lights first appeared on March 11th, 2001, the six month anniversary after the attack in September. It was brought back for the second anniversary and has been displayed every year since then.
I think that this tribute is a nice way to show the difference in the New York City skyline without the towers. It is a representation of the change that can be brought by tragedy. Before the terrorist attacks the Twin Towers were a normal part of the New York City skyline. After the attacks it is now normal for us to not see them in the skyline. The same can be said about American Society. What was originally defined as normal before the attack could no longer apply to society afterwards. Like the New York City skyline 9/11 altered the American way of life. I just remember after the attacks, an ever present feeling of fear within society. I did not fully understand the existent of the attacks at the time that they occurred. All I was able to understand was that I knew that everything in our society was changing and it would never be the same. Fear consumed all of society. Normal tasks such as shopping and everyday tasks were different. My parent bought a car in January 2002 and the salesman told them that the week after the attack that the dealership sold no cars. Everyone was so afraid after the attacks that the whole country was essentially paralyzed for several days. I remember it was such a shocked to everyone that it took some time to settle in before everyone fully realized what had happen.
I also remember the kind that the fear also brought people together as communities and find support in difficult times. There was a lot of inspirational music of what it meant to be an American, TV specials, and the signs that said “United We Stand”. Some people were able to come together and find support through faith. After the attacks there was also an increase in church attendance because people wanted something to hold onto and try to find “normal” again. Others felt the need to sign up for the armed forces and serve on the front lines on the war against terrorism.
As the “Tribute of Lights” remind some of what we have lost or what is missing in the New York Skyline I am comforted by this image. When I look at this picture the tragic image of the towers falling does not rush to my mind right away. Instead, I find hope in this image. It is hard for me to explain but I feel like it is a statement that we can rise above and overcome obstacles. I also feel that it was a nice memorial that could ever be given to remind Americans of the events that took place and the people that lost their lives. I think that is was a very powerful statement.
-Lauren Epperson
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