“Sometimes I think it would be weird if there were a skyscraper that moved up and down while its elevator stayed in place. So if you wanted to go to the ninety-fifth floor, you’d just pressed the 95 button and the ninety-fifth floor would come to you. Also, that could be extremely useful, because if you’re on the ninety-fifth floor, and a plane hits below you, the building could take you to the ground, and everyone could be safe, even if you left your birdseed shirt at home that day.”
When I first read this quote and this chapter at first I literally looked at it and I was confused and tried so hard to not laugh because how funny it was. In my personal opinion I thought it was genius and it made a valuable point. What if there was a skyscraper that could do that, it would make the elevator a lot different and easier. But at the same time it was a low blow to the Twin Towers and I thought it was kinda wrong that he said that. It was good until he said when a plane would hit the bottom floors and make it going down a lot faster and safe. I had to shake my head and just look at it funny because he said it like that, I think he wanted to slide a small joke in there to level the blow of 9/11 but in retrospect it was too soon to pull that off and get away with it. The quote was interesting and it put me in that situation and visualize what would I do if I was in that predicament.
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