Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog 4

I enjoyed reading Briana’s poem. Her poem intrigued me because it described this man’s day at the office on September 11th and how his day proceeded at first as just a normal day at work where he felt safe and content knowing that he and his family were safe. This was his reality until he heard someone in his office discussing how the World Trade Centers had been attacked. He couldn’t believe it at first and then rushed to his office to find on the internet that this terrible tragedy was true. This feeling of seeing this event happen but having it not really sink in and become a reality like this man experienced on this day, was an experience felt by most, if not all, Americans on this day. We were shocked to think that such a disaster like this could happen and happen out of the blue.

I really enjoyed reading Briana’s poem because it brings attention to the fact that this average American man was like so many Americans on this day. We couldn’t believe that it was true and when the reality of this event actually sunk down into our heads and we processed the information, we were scared to death. We ran to make sure that our families and everyone that we cared about was alright and safe. We speed dialed like crazy, sent e-mails, and scurried about frantic and in hysteria to make sure that everyone that we cared for was safe and sound and hadn’t been a part of this tragedy. But once we calmed down and figured out that everyone we cared for was okay or not okay, we came to the realization that things in America would never be the same after this day. We wouldn’t be so nieve to think that because we are a great superpower that no one will challenge us and we will always be safe because we trust in our government and our systems of belief. We believe that we will be protected from any radical suicide bombers or any terrorist. We were wrong. We were very very wrong. This poem expresses how we felt on this day and how we couldn’t really come to terms with what had actually happened until the day was over or much later on.

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