Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog 4

The poem that I enjoyed was “We Pray” by Karl Abordo. His poem is about prayer and how his poem was about a little kid that didn’t know what was going on and his teacher had to explain to him that the other world trade center just got hit and they didn’t know what to do. I liked it because we were like those little kids and didn’t understand what was going on and we needed to have someone to explain us what was going on. The reason why I chose this poem is because of the simple fact that individually we didn’t know what to do and we couldn’t decide on whom to trust and every time we turn around there is something either blowing up or just something was going bad and didn’t know how to handle the situation. But as a whole the only thing we can do is pray about it and ask God to help us in this time of need. Although we have those adults that know what to say and do but at the same time they were more scared than we were. Me personally that’s what I did when I was little it was me and my mom watching the news and at first I was confused about what was going on and my mom told me that the Twin Towers got hit by a plane. It took me a few minutes to really think about what she said and it hit me because my cousin worked in NY and I tried to call her to see if she was ok. Good thing that she was on her way to work and she heard about what was going on and she turned around, that made me extremely happy, but I still prayed for others that lost someone and didn’t know how to cope with it. This poem symbolizes how much 9/11 affects the human mind and how they react during tough and difficult situations.

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